Rishav Chatterjee

B.Tech'2022 IT Undergraduate

Hello World!! I'm Rishav, a Full Stack Developer, a Competitive Programmer, a Machine Learning and Data Science enthusiast and above all - an aspiring SDE.

I'm looking for opportunities in the corporate world as my aim is to do big, I'm learning each and everyday about new technologies and I'm getting deeper into them. You can have a look at My Resume

From developing projects to doing research-works and by solving problems I'm upgrading myself each day to get better than yesterday. I would be eager to work in any field, not limited to the ones listed above, and I would consider it worthwhile to take up projects out of my comfort zone in an environment that would foster learning at an even pace.

Featured Projects

Here are the glimses of my few projects. More information can be found at My Linkedin Profile.


Full Stack Amazon Clone

A Full-Stack Clone of the leading E-commerce website Amazon. 👉 Made the HomePage, Login and Checkout Page 👉 Added Carausal with smooth animations 👉 Integrated User Authentication with Firebase 👉 Built the Shopping Cart to remove and add Item. I'm using: React-Context & Hooks, Material UI with custom CSS and Firebase.

Website Github

India Vs World - Covid19

I collected the data from Govt. website about the corona-virus outcome and built a Machine Learning and Data Science Project . I used the Prophet model by the Facebook AI team and predicted the outcome after one week graphically and matched the data after one week and showed both the results are almost superimposing in graph with over 85% accuracy.

Colab Github

Summer Training Projects Under NIIT

All the Machine Learning and Data Science Projects I did during my summer training at NIIT. I used several Python Libraries like - Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, SK-Learn.


Work Experience

During my College life I did some Internships as well as Training and Freelancing to gain Industry-Knowledge and advance my skills with practical-expertise.

Full Stack Engineer


July 2020 - September 2020

JI'm glad to be a part of the Team Cognito family... As a full stack developer, I'm working with a great team here on various mobile, Web and other applications. It feels great to work with the no.1 AI and Cyber Security company of Kolkata.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Built a cross-platform mobile app using react-native for clients
  • Contributed in creating the National-Portal of Bangladesh - "Amar Sarkar"
  • Contributed in making an HR-administration system named "e-oxygen" for clients
  • Established Database-Connection for one of the Company-Websites using Flask and SQL-alchemy

Machine Learning and Data Science Trainee

National Institute for Industrial Training

April 2019 - June 2019

Here in NIIT I completed my summer training on ML and DS and worked on various real-life projects and sharpened my skills.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Worked on "e-Commerce sales prediction" as a Solo-Project.
  • Worked on "Breast-Cancer Prediction" as a Team-project. I was the Team-Lead. Our team was the Top-Performer.
  • Used Sk-learn, Seaborn , Pandas and several other Python-Libraries in both the projects.


Government College of Engineering and Leather Technology - Kolkata

B.Tech in information Technology

Average CGPA upto 6'th sem : 8.96

Basirhat High School - WBBHSE

Higher Secondary - Pure Science

Percentage : 89.4

Basirhat High School - WBBSE


Percentage : 89.14